Player Level $200 (Bronze)
Support registration scholarships to ensure baseball is accessible to everyone in our community.
- Logo in the yearbook (distributed to entire league)
- Logo on the league website
- Sponsor mentions on social media
Field Level $400 (Silver)
All Bronze sponsor level benefits along with a league plaque and 5’x3’ banner on the majors field.
- Logo in the yearbook (distributed to entire league)
- Logo on the league website
- Sponsor mentions on social media
- 5x3 banner on the major's field fence
- League Display Plaque
Team Level $600 (Gold) All Spots Filled FOR 2025 Season
All Bronze and Silver level sponsor benefits and business/organization name on the back of player jerseys.
- Logo in the yearbook (distributed to entire league)
- Logo on the league website
- Sponsor mentions on social media
- Increased League Promotion
- League Display Plaque
- Name on Back of Jerseys