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Boundary Map

A player will be deemed to reside within the league boundaries if:

  1. (A) His/her parents are living together and are residing within such league boundaries
     - OR -
  2. (B) Either of the player’s parents (or his/her court-appointed legal guardian) reside within such boundaries.
Note: It is unacceptable if a parent moves into a league’s boundaries for the purpose of qualifying for tournament play. As detailed by the rules, the penalty for violation of this rule may, in Little League Baseball, Incorporated’s discretion, result in the disqualification of a player, team or entire league from regular season and/or tournament play.

Each local Little League determines the actual geographic boundaries of the area from within which it shall select players. These boundaries must be described in detail and shown on a map and dated when making application for a Little League charter. Players will be eligible to play with that league only if they reside within the boundaries provided to and approved by Little League Baseball, Incorporated.

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