Early Bird Discount of $25 off ends December 31st, make sure you have your player registered!
Interested in managing a team? Be sure to attend our next board meeting on January 6th at 7:30 (location TBD) as all coaches/managers need to be voted on.-
Player evaluations for all players in AA, AAA, and Majors will be on January 12th and January 19th from 9am-1pm at Harbor High School. *Players only need to attend ONE evaluation, choose which date works best.
A final age/division schedule will be sent out prior to the evaluations so you know what time your player needs to be at the field.*
ALL league field work day will be January 26th at 9:00am, our fields are in need of some serious work to get prepared for the season, please consider donating your time to help!
We will be hosting a free pre-season clinic for Farm, AA, AAA, and Majors divisions on two different dates, mark your calendars for February 1st or February 22nd to pick a clinic for your player to attend. More information to come on time, location, and other details.
TeeBall meet up! Date/Time/Location TBD but we are looking forward to getting all our TeeBallers together for a meet and greet prior to the season starting.
Opening Day Ceremonies will be on March 1st at Green Acres Elementary, it's going to be an awesome season!